The Garden Within - A Journey to Wholeness

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Reflect Jesus

Display Him to the world around you!

How do you reflect someone?

1.  You have to be looking towards them.  For example:  A diamond ring pointed towards or facing the sun reflects the suns or SHINES.  If it is pointed down, it does not reflect the sun.   So lift your head, turn towards the Son!  You will reflect Him if you look to Him!

2.  When you look at your reflection in the mirror, you have to look at yourself to reflect yourself right? Keep your eyes on Jesus to reflect Him.  Reflect means:  to give back a likeness...Be like Him, imitate Jesus!

3.  Know Him!  Spend time with the Lover of your soul.  Think on Him always, think on His ways, His way of being and doing, and then be and do.  How do you get to know someone?  By spending time with them, and talking to them, and looking at them, studying every feature.  Not only the shape, proportions, form, or outward appearance of Him, but also the distinctive aspect, quality and characteristics of Him.  Asking to hear His heart for you, and for others.  Listen, hear.

Then SHINE!  Display Him to the world around you.  

Display:  To hold up to view.  Hold Him up to the world through you.

Reveal Him.  Reflect Him.  Make Him known.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


I was thinking about worship! It can mean a few things! We tend to use the word ‘worship’ today in the context of music. But I am being reminded that it is so much more! 

The very heart of worship is the offering of our whole lives to God!
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God-this is your spiritual act of worship.” Romans 12:1-2

It’s interesting too that the first mention of the word ‘worship’ in the Bible is in the context of Abraham setting out to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice. (Genesis 22:3-5)

In Jesus’ teaching on worship, He reveals what is most important to God. “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.” John 4:22-24

I was thinking what could this mean? Worship in spirit and in truth? I believe it’s the way we live our life and what is going on in our heart. It's about who we really are! (when no one is looking!) In our worship are we pursuing Him? His heart, His face, His fellowship? Are we willing to die to our own ways and follow Him with all our heart?
I truly believe He is looking for people who are willing to know His heart. People who will be honest and transparent before Him. (Perhaps that's why the commandment to LOVE the Lord our God with all our heart, mind and soul is the most important one!)

I want to be that kind of worshiper.

We have all of eternity to marvel at God’s glory, and participate in worship at the throne of God.
But there is a kind of worship that exists only this side of heaven. And I believe that’s the opportunity to walk intimately with God in a loving relationship when the world around us is so seducing!
To lift up songs and praises in the middle of challenges and trials. To tell God how we really feel while choosing to remember He is Holy and worthy to be worshipped. We have an opportunity to surrender our whole earthly lives in love and obedience to Him.

We also have an opportunity to lay down our lives for His cause—to fulfil the desire of our Father’s heart—that people from every tribe and nation and language may worship in eternity before the throne of God. (Revelation 7:9-10)

Lord, teach me to worship.

"In Him we live, move and have our being."
ACTS 17:28

Equipping the saints~ So good! 

Monday, March 5, 2012

Keep Watering!!!

Seed Time~ Then Harvest

Seed time------------------------------------------then harvest!  Sometimes there is a big gap in between of what we are believing for and seeing that thing come to pass.

You reap what you sow!  What are you sowing in your life?  Whatever it is you are planting, you plant, and then you water!  Everyday you water!  Even if you don't see anything coming up, no results, no change in your situation....You water!  You may not see anything coming up for days, weeks, but you keep watering! Keep speaking LIFE!  "A wise gardener plants his seeds, then has the good sense not to dig them up every few days to see if a crop is on its way"  Just trust that the things Jesus, our Gardener plants, are growing, even though we don't "SEE" them yet.  Just keep speaking life.  What we say we eventually believe!!!  It is like watering dirt. You keep watering!  Don't stop praying. Believing. Trusting.  Our God is faithful!