The Garden Within - A Journey to Wholeness

Monday, March 5, 2012

Keep Watering!!!

Seed Time~ Then Harvest

Seed time------------------------------------------then harvest!  Sometimes there is a big gap in between of what we are believing for and seeing that thing come to pass.

You reap what you sow!  What are you sowing in your life?  Whatever it is you are planting, you plant, and then you water!  Everyday you water!  Even if you don't see anything coming up, no results, no change in your situation....You water!  You may not see anything coming up for days, weeks, but you keep watering! Keep speaking LIFE!  "A wise gardener plants his seeds, then has the good sense not to dig them up every few days to see if a crop is on its way"  Just trust that the things Jesus, our Gardener plants, are growing, even though we don't "SEE" them yet.  Just keep speaking life.  What we say we eventually believe!!!  It is like watering dirt. You keep watering!  Don't stop praying. Believing. Trusting.  Our God is faithful! 

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